Thursday, 6 June 2013

Trouble in Paradise

Kayaking Watut River - Picture courtesy of gradientandwater
“If not corrected quickly, this will become a significant issue for the people who use and rely on the Watut River System for their existence.”
The first thing that springs to mind when you hear of the Watut River, is white water rapids, copious amounts of rushing, fast flowing water and the wild outdoors, but this is only one face of this amazing river system that travels over 100 km, through several electoral boundaries and over terrain that is breathtaking in one instant and serene and moody in the next.
The many faces that make the Watut experience begin at Hidden Valley, in clear mountain top creeks that are the headwaters of this mighty river, where once fed by torrential rains it starts its extraordinary journey. There the creek quickly builds up its volume of water, progressively draining other creeks and tributaries and the torrent becomes an impressive river in a heartbeat. Over its 100 or so kilometers course the Watut changes its character many times as it moves down a geographical fall of some 8,000 feet or 2,500m between its headwaters and the lower Watut. It slows only once it reaches the flood plains where it meanders to join the great Markham River. The journey continues on only another 10 or so kilometre to where the Markham finally empties into the Huon Gulf disgorging its cumulative brackish contents of water and silt in a plume that extends some 20km out to sea.
This remarkable river, known the world over as one of the toughest white water courses, flows through the Bulolo and Huon Gulf electorates of the Morobe Province. It provides for a vast number of communities along its entire length, even at the headwaters some 8,000 feet above sea level. As the river reaches the Watut plains it slows and broadens, winding its way to the Markham confluence and here a myriad of aquatic marvels exist from the flora that shrouds its banks to the fauna that in some species, exist only in this part of the world.
It is home to the Watut and Mumeng people of Bulolo and the Babuaf of the Huon Gulf giving sustenance to communities in the form of food, water, recreation, transport and gold. The Watut River is an important feature to these rural people.
But there is trouble brewing in paradise. This picture of a pristine wilderness is under threat and the river system has been taking a beating, literally, for the last two years by a sinister force which is both seen and unseen and whose presence is quickly emerging under the guise of development for the region. Unfortunately, the future of this once-awesome waterway looks increasingly bleak. The natural beauty of the Watut River is quickly being compromised by waste material from the construction of the Hidden Valley Gold Mine. The mine is operated by Morobe Mining Joint Ventures which is the operating entity for international mining partners Harmony Gold of South Africa and Australia's Newcrest Mining Limited.
Since September 2007, the Watut River has been subjected to inordinate quantities of waste rock and debris as run-off from the river's headwaters where the Hidden Valley Gold Mine is situated.
To date, some 50 million tones of earth have been excavated from the top of the mine's main pit area and vast amounts have ended up in the river as debris from the deliberate practice of side-casting. The problem of degradation in the Watut actually develops from an act of god, which being the extraordinarily high rainfall patterns in this region of the world. Up to 10m in one year is not usual and as a tropical rainforest zone, the abundance of precipitation has become both friend and foe for this great waterway.
Early last year (2009), the telltale signs of environmental damage to the lower Watut waterways began to emerge in places an under circumstances the developers of Hidden Valley Gold Mine claimed would not occur. Up until that point every communication made to communities near and beside the Watut River professed that MMJV had the situation under control and that damage along the course of the Watut system was minimal. It publicly stated through its environment and community affairs officers that according to its studies of the Watut River and models it based its Environmental Management Plan on, very little damage would visit the Middle and Lower Watut regions and if any was to occur, it would be of little consequence and only temporary.
Unfortunately what is now becoming clearer by the day is that these claims could not be further from the truth. As demonstrated in the Fly River experience, a latent but permanent by-product of mining in PNG that discharge waste into waterways with a flood basin is a phenomenon called dieback.
The destruction caused in this phenomenon is not temporary nor is it manageable, unless retention mechanisms are developed at the mine site itself for the fifth side-cast in the mines pit clearing process. According to experts, if not corrected quickly, this matter will become a significant issue for the people who use and rely on the Watut River system for their existence.
Sedimentation and silting of the levels being observed in the lower Watut can only be possible if there is an inundation of suspended material in the water itself. The dynamics of laden water is that it will slow where the gradient permits, enabling sediments to settle. To stand on solid landfill where once there was over a meter of moving water and marshland indicates someone has not done their homework. This clogging up of important aquatic systems will have rolling repercussions as the habitat for aquatic fauna is destroyed, important flora used by river communities die and navigable waterways disappear.
According to scientists; even within MMJV, this phenomenon would migrate along the lower Watut River unless structures to mitigate sediment inputs at Hidden Valley are constructed. In the absence of these structures, the problem will continue to grow.
Adding to this dilemma is the pathetic lack of action from Department of Environment which has done little to monitor the activities of the mine. Whether by design or from lack of resources, the stringency of the Environment Act of 2000          is directly held to question as clearly the department has simply allowed the developer to self-regulate its own actions. Though unacceptable, this is unfortunately the norm in PNG, much to the detriment of the rural communities to which the department has a moral and ethical obligation to protect. Engineered dams called toes designed to contain and manage run-off from Hidden Valley and Kaveroi still have not been constructed nor have many of the systems designed to monitor the impacts of the mine been commissioned. Yet the Department of Environment confirms “stringent” compliance by the developer. A statement provided by the Minister for Environment on August 14, 2009 simply corroborated information provided by MMJV with a footnote to say the matter would be looked at in due curse.
The provincial government too has muddied the waters further, so to speak, with the chairman of its mining committee, Benson Suwang describing the situation as simply "collateral damage".
The concern for communities now is MMJV's continued insistence that it has the situation under control when clearly its experts have been wrong. Without a commitment to include these communities within the mine impact zone, the matter would simply be passed from one study to the next until it is forgotten just as it has for the Western province.
The impacts of damage done and being done to the environment especially in the Middle and Lower Watut will be felt for a Iong time and will affect generations of communities living along the waterway. The current compensation regime for Hidden Valley does not and will not consider the claims outside an exclusive mine impact zone which means our concerns will be passed over. Without the Department of Environment's intervention little will be made of this issue and the suffering of the affected communities will simply go unheard.
The people of Bulolo and Huon Gulf who are custodians of this remarkable river system deserve better from MMJV, Harmony Gold and Newcrest Mining. They deserve better from the Department of Environment and Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) and they certainly deserve better from the Morobe Provincial Government. By now the lessons learned from the development of other mines and especially, from the Ok Tedi experience and Wau Bulolo Historical old Rush should have armed the relevant agencies of State with the means to recognize instances of breach or a shortfall in compliance and move to correct them. It is the least that these communities should expect from government.
The Union of Watut River Communities Association Incorporated (UoWRCA Inc) is the only party to have made a commitment not to let this matter rest and intends to fully explore available options to the affected people and communities to seek redress.
God Bless
Union of Watut River Communities Association Incorporated

Juffa for Social Media in Papua New Guinea

“My message is this, keep in touch, communicate and be part of the movement. It is not just a forum we have, it is a wonderful and great experience to meet and communicate and walk together towards doing what is right. We have never had such opportunities in our history. Now we can communicate and rise up for our country, our future.”
Hon. Gary Juffa MP, Northern Province Governor

Millennium Development Goals

In 2000, all United Nations member states (including PNG) adopted the Millennium Declaration. Since then, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have become a universal framework for development and a means for developing countries and their development partners to work together to pursuit of shared future for all.
By 2015, all 189 United Nations Member States have pledge to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
1.       Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger*
2.       Achieve Universal Primary Education*
3.       Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women*
4.       Reduce Child Mortality*
5.       Improve Maternal Health*
6.       Combart HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Disease*
7.       Ensure Environmental Sustainability*, and
8.       Global Partnership for Development.   
*Seven (7) PNG Localized MDGs – PNG’s National Millennium Development Goals. :
Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
·         Decrease the proportion of people below the poverty line by 10 per cent by 2015, using the 1996 national average figure of 30 per cent.
·         By 2015, increase by 10 per cent the total amount of agriculture commercially produced and by 34 per cent of subsistence agriculture production.
Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education
·         Achieve a gross enrollment rate of 85 per cent at the primary level by 2015.
·         Achieve a Cohort Retention Rate of 70 per cent at the primary level by 2015.
·         Achieve an (indirectly measured) Youth Literacy Rate of 70 per cent by 2015.
 Goal 3: Promote Gender Equity and Empower Women
·         Eliminate Gender disparity at the Primary and Lower Secondary Level by 2015 and at Upper Secondary Level and above by 2030.
Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality
·         Reduce the Infant Mortality Rate to 44 per thousand by 2015.
·         Reduce the Under Five Mortality Rate 77 per thousand by 2015.
 Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health
·         Decrease the Maternal Mortality Rate to 274 per 100,000 live births by 2015.
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases
·         Have controlled by 2015 and stabilized by 2020, the spread of HIV/AIDS.
·         Have controlled by 2015 and either stabilized of reversed the incidence of pneumonia, malaria and other major diseases by 2020.
Goal 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability
·         Implement the principle of sustainable development trough sector specific programs by 2010 and no later by 2015.
·         By 2010, increase use of commercial use of land and natural resource through improvements in environmental friendly technologies and methods of production.
·         Increase to 60 per cent the number of households with access to safe water by 2010 and to at least 85 per cent by 2020 (as definition from DOH). 
·         By 2020, to have achieve a significant improvement in the lives of disadvantage and vulnerable groups in urban areas.

This Elementary School age kids in the Middle Watut in Bulolo District of Morobe Province still dont have access to Education, Health and other basic Government Services.

Jesus, the one True Leader.

Jesus is the one true Leader of His children. He knows what we need and where we are most vulnerable. His leading is part of what makes Psalm 23 the most beloved song in the Bible’s hymnal. In verse 2, David says that the Shepherd “leads me beside the still waters,” and in verse 3 he adds, “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” These twin ideas reveal why His care is so complete. Whether it is times of refreshing and strengthening (“still waters”) or seasons of doing what pleases Him (“paths of righteousness”), we can follow Him.
As the old song says, “My Lord knows the way through the wilderness; all I have to do is follow.” —Bill Crowder

Govt urged to understand what causes sorcery-related crimes.

Much has been said and debated over sorcery related crimes but there is little understanding of its essence in a developing country like Papua New Guinea, a church official says.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG) Papua District Youth President Dika Napkai said MPs as legislators did not fully comprehend the root cause of sorcery-related crimes.
“Sorcery itself is a traditional belief and it has subsystems that are intertwined and require not only patience but tolerance to investigate and further articulate with confidence,” she said.
Napkai said sorcery touched on ethical issues about good conduct and practices.
“It has sets of rules and procedures and the ability to go by its rules to suit individual’s interests,” she said.
“This is a process of entering into agreement which enables different parties to arrive at an amicable deal or agreement. Such as country like ours often makes some painful decisions and sacrifice as it moves from its traditional values and epistemic systems to the modern monetized global community,” Napkai said.
She urged the government to be careful when dealing with sorcery “which in one way or the other bind the socio-political and economic values of the country”.
Napkai said despite the arrival of Christianity in PNG, traditional beliefs were still rampant. “Sorcery is approaching a breakthrough and if we can establish a dialogue on controversial issues it will be possible to gradually resolve misunderstandings and facilitate further development.”  
Source: The National, Pg 16
Thursday, June 6, 2013