Monday, 15 July 2013

Official Oppening of the International Leadership Consultation.

By Reuben Mete
Mission EineWelt (Mission one World) Reverend Dr. Peter Weigand officiate the official opening of the 05th International Leadership Consultation held here in Germany. “We are all part of the house of God, the family of God and thus ‘family’ is a symbol of protection. We are not strangers but are family, members or citizens in the house of each other.” Weigand said. He was addressing about fifteen (15) young International Leaders from twelve (12) different countries who were being present.
Director Reverend Dr. Peter Weigand .
Mission EineWelt (Mission one World)
Reverend Dr. Peter Weigand says the only problem is that we don’t meet each others. Our objective now in this Consultation is to learn and know from each other. “We together are householders of God (family). You need contacts, agreements and mutual understanding of simple things. Care together those that are sick and in need of resources. We can never be citizens if we do not show we care.”
Reverend Dr. Peter Weigand highlights that citizens have Rights and also Duties to do which leads us to other people not only to give but also having the rights to receive. We should become good householders of God striving to achieve common understanding to walk and grow together in order to keep the house clean and function.
I hope we have done the right thing by walking in the same direction and together we want to bring together people on the table as our lord leads us to His table in eukaryotes.  
Reverend Dr. Peter Weigand officially opened the International Leadership Consultation which starts today and ends in August 10th 2013. The theme of the consultation is Tolerance in our Societies and Churches.

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